Wednesday, November 4, 2009

A walk on the wild side

I have always wanted to travel to Africa and go on Safari. It would be amazing to see wild Giraffes, Lions, Rhinoceros, Zebras and more in their natural environment!

Last week, I got to experience the next best thing a mini-safari at the San Diego Wild Animal Park! This wildlife sanctuary sits outside of San Diego and is home to more than 3,500 animals representing over 400 species. The San Diego Zoo and Wild Animal Parks are world renowned for their animal collections, breeding programs and conservation efforts. It was wonderful to see so many young animals in each exhibit and their presence really demonstrated how successful the park has been with its breeding programs.

We were thrilled to participate in one of the behind the scenes experiences at the park, a photo caravan into the African Safari exhibit. We were taken into the exhibit and allowed to feed the giraffes and observe the animals up close and personal!

When the truck pulled to a stop the giraffes gathered around our truck for a feeding. We feed them acacia leaves but were not allowed to touch them. This allows the giraffes to retain their wildness and not become too comfortable with human contact.

It was difficult not to reach out and touch them. They were so friendly, inquisitive and almost seemed to enjoy posing for photos!

The baby giraffes like these ones were particularly captivating. They were so playful and curious about exploring the world around them. The park has been fortunate to have nine new giraffes born during 2009.

Out of all of the animals we saw that day, the giraffes were definitely one of my favorites. I was captivated by their beauty, expressive eyes and stunning markings.

We had a wonderful day at the park and I would highly recomend it to any nature lover!
To see more images from this trip, please visit my new Exotic Animals Gallery.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Sweet Sunrise

"Everybody needs beauty as well as bread, places to play in and pray in where nature may heal and cheer and give strength to the body and soul."

John Muir

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Happy Birthday Dad

Thank you for teaching me to follow my joy, dream big and never stop laughing! I treasure our longs walks, deep talks, sushi dinners and movie sessions! Thank you for all that you do, all that you say and for just being you in every way!

Saturday, September 26, 2009

My little sister

Growing up I always wanted a little sister. I would beg my Mom to have a baby but not any sibling would do, a baby sister was always my request!

When I was 7yrs old, my wish was granted when Kaysha Rose Weiner graced the world with her presence! A few hours after her birth, my Mom asked "Do you want to hold the baby? My little heart swelled with pride as my new baby sister was placed in my arms. I remember marvelling at her beautiful face and tiny hands and feet. It was love at first sight! She quickly fell asleep in my arms and I held her for what seemed liked hours. I didn't want to hand her over to anyone else fearing that they may disturb her peaceful slumber.

The love and pride that I feel for her was instanteous and has only grown through the years! Kaysha has grown into an amazing woman and I feel blessed to have a sister who I can also call one of my closest friends!

Watching Kaysha grow up I was always impressed with her fearlessness! When she finds something that sparks her interest she dives headlong into it without any second thoughts or reservations. And so it was when she discovered Photography. She threw herself into the art form she loved and has not looked back. Over the past few years Kaysha has attended countless photography classes, explored new techniques, studied about the great photographers and worked side by side with outstanding professional photographers!

I have watched her work grow and progress and it is been very exciting to see her own personal style of photography emerge. I have been awed and impressed by the beauty and range of her work! I watched from the distance as she took one beautiful portrait after another and began to wonder how I would look through her eyes? I have always been more comfortable behind the lens of my own camera than in front of someone else's so I was too shy to ask her for a portrait session. I was thrilled when she insisted that she photograph me to create portrait for my new website. We choose a beautiful location, picked out a few nice outfits and I hoped for the best. All I needed were a few decent images for my website. No big deal, right?

As we started the session I felt very self conscious and timid. Did my hair look alright? Did my outfit make me look okay? Why did I wear high heels? A million critical thoughts raced through my head. With Kaysha's gentle reassurances I began to forget about my own superficial concerns. With each frame she cooed "You look beautiful; the light makes your skin look amazing" and so on. Her sweet compliments reassured me and as the session progressed so did my confidence. I felt more beautiful that afternoon that I had in a long time!

Kaysha has a talent that few photographers' posses, not only can she create stunning imagery but she has the ability to show the person she is photographing their own unique beauty! When you step in front of her lens you start to see yourself in a new light. And it is a beautiful light...where your best features are accentuated and your flaws become invisible. You start to see yourself as Kaysha does and you realize how uniquely beautiful you truly are!

The images that she took of me are stunning and are the best pictures I have ever had taken of myself!

Kaysha-You are an artist in every sense of the word. Your talent shines through each of your images and I can't wait to step in front of your lens again soon!

To see more of Kaysha's amazing work, please visit

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

72 miles...

Around Lake Tahoe on our bicycles. Some call it crazy, we call it the Tour de Tahoe!!

"Life is either a great adventure or nothing!”
Helen Keller

Sunday, September 6, 2009


We each believe that certain things are possible for ourselves and our lives, while firmly believing that others are completely impossible! But what happens when the impossible becomes possible?

"Aerodynamically, the bumble bee shouldn't be able to fly, but the bumble bee doesn't know it so it goes on flying anyway. "
Mary Kay Ash

Monday, August 31, 2009

Summer Traditions

Laguna Beach is world renowned for it's beaches but it is the art galleries and art festivals that set this coastal community apart from it's peers!

One of my favorite summer traditions is visiting the Laguna Beach Sawdust Festival. The festival grounds are situated in the Laguna Canyon nestled among beautiful eucalyptus trees, sawdust chips cover the ground and tropical waterfalls run down the hillsides giving this festival a magical and uniquely charming feel!

Sawdust features only local artists who live in Laguna Beach. Most artists work the booths themselves and you get the rare opportunity to meet the artists behind each masterpiece. The talent and passion of each artist shines through in their work!
And you can always find a small treasure you can't live without!

Tuesday, August 18, 2009


Sometimes we get so caught up in our own lives and our supposed "problems" that we forget how truly blessed we each are. Then someone crosses your path and reminds you to appreciate it all a little more...

That is what this blog did for me. Stephanie survived an almost fatal plane crash, endured burns to most of her body and spent over five months in a coma. She writes about her life recovering from this accident, raising four children and learning to live a "normal" life with a new face. Her strength, grace and beauty shine through each post!

She inspires me to hold those that I love a little tighter, to try to live each day to the fullest and to always remember that there are no guarantees in life and everyday is a gift!

“Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever."
Mahatma Gandhi

Monday, August 17, 2009

Two years ago today...

I married the love of my life and Team Hobbs was born!

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

A Walk in the Garden

I forgot to pull up my celery plants before we went on vacation and came home to the garden to find three foot tall stocks in full bloom.
Oops, so much for the celery crop but the delicate flowers seem to be a hit with the insects! Hundreds of these little guys covered my plants. It gave me a great excuse to take pictures and put off the inevitable tasks of pulling up my giant celery plants.

These little beauties are taking over my garden and I don't mind one bit!

I've been fascinated with sunflowers lately. So many types, colors and textures!

Apparently, I am not the only one who is captivated by the sunflowers. I was hoping to harvest my sunflower seeds but he had the same idea and beat me to it!

Luckily, he hasn't found these yet!

The Dandelion

What is a weed? A weed is a plant whose virtues have not yet been discovered.-Emerson

Saturday, August 1, 2009

A Blog Is Born

Welcome to my new blog! This site will feature my latest work, travels and adventures in life.